Okay, so I have proved the above statement time and again. Does that mean I won't have another kid? lol
I wonder often if there are other people like myself out there. I have never met anyone like me.
I would love to teach myself to be dedicated to something. I have always had a problem with getting done what I am supposed to do. I take care of my kids, but I can't remember to take my medicine (daily vitamin or otherwise). I have to rely on my phone (when I remember to put information in it) or other people to remind me of my obligations. I can make myself get up and exercise a couple of days and then I loose interest. I can go on a cleaning spree for a few days and then it quickly gets out of hand again. I know that all these things are irresponsible and it isn't something I like about myself, and yet here I am at 26 years old and it is still a problem. I can remember getting in trouble all through school for knowing I had homework and yet not remembering to bring my book home that I needed to do that homework. How do I change this aspect when changing it requires the very thing that I don't have and am trying to change?
Of course then I can think about it for a minute and think, prayer, duh! I know the answer. I know that is the only way it will change. And yet I can't make myself get up early enough for daily quiet time for more than a week and I can't remember to say my prayers half the time before I fall asleep. I don't get up early enough for church most weeks and THAT is not just hurting me but my kids and my husband as well. I can manage Life Group on Thursdays so far. : ) I am so thankful that I at least have that.
Wow. It amazes me what comes out of my head when I let it. I am typically a very happy go lucky person but with all that weighing on my mind no wonder I have been a little melancholy lately.
So here I go to try a little harder this week to get myself straightened out. I have to go take my son his lunch first though because I ran out of the house without it this morning. : / yeesh.
You and I have a whole lot in common, missy ;) I could have typed this post, except for the last statement!! Perhaps you need an accountability partner....someone who HAS these traits that you can use to encourage you. Ask God for someone, he will lead you to the right person.